Optimizely Data Platform, Livestream Google Ads, Easy of Data in Adobe Analytics with Export & Import Google Tag Manager

Optimizely Data Platform, Livestream Google Ads, Easy of Data in Adobe Analytics with Export & Import Google Tag Manager

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Cutting through the clutter here are the most important updates from the world of marketing technology.


Google Ads for LiveStream

As normality takes small paces to return in this COVID19 impacted world, live events- especially sports are witnessing higher eyeballs powered by connected devices or OTTs. Google Ads brings this huge opportunity closer to publishers & developers with availability to insert ads to livestreams. Google Ad Manager’s Dynamic Ad Insertion uses a 2-staged approach. First allowing prefetch of the upcoming ad in the current ad. Next when the ad break begins it it gathers relevant events to the livestream such as a goal and fetches the subsequent ads.


Optimizely for Amazon Personalize

Optimizely is transforming itself slowly to become a personalization enablement platform. The latest integration with Amazon Personalize brings Amazon’s 20 years of product recommendation models easy to implement & ready for testing. Audience targeting and feature enablement strengths of Optimizely ensures that the right customer are seeing the right recommendations.

Upgrades to Optimizely Data Platform

Optimizely have realized the wealth of data that they contain for personalization and they are making them available for enterprises. The new upgrades enable Optimizely’s data to be easily extractable and reused for further analysis. They now have integrations with essentials like Snowflake, FiveTran & a common playground named Labs which can integrate with any data provider and Jupyter notebooks for more complex analyses.


Easy to Download More Adobe Analytics Data with Analysis Workspace

You have a great dataset in Analysis Workspace and now you want to download it to run more models. Sounds a like a common day at work? Now Adobe Analytics Analysis Workspace allows up to 50,000 dimension items to be downloaded in CSV format, with the filters & segments applied. To retrieve longer-tail terms you can use Visits sorted by descending and another file with ascending, when your data set has more than 50,000 dimensions

Export & Import your Google Tag Manager

If you have a success story you would want to repeat it every time. Often it is difficult and time consuming to ensure that the success story is configured correctly. Google Tag Manager’s latest product update to export & import container makes it easier to repeat your GTM success story. Once you have a defined set of GTM tags as a best practice, you can export them in JSON format, make changes as needed and import them back into GTM. Developers can look at maximum time savings with this functionality

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